In the holidays I went to Auckland to go to the movies to see Monster trucks. I sat in the backseat  I ate some chips.  In the movies there was so much driving and a big explosion.  I ate some more food.   It wasn’t a great start to the movie.  I felt like going home but then the movie got  better. Indy the fat kid was eating chocolate.  I saw Taygen and Jack at the front of the theatre. The kids next to me started  eating their popcorn. I started to eat my lollies.   The Monster trucks where speeding on  the screen.  I started to eat my nuts.   In the movie Crech drank his oil.   I ate some popcorn while  my brother was on his Phone.   The Queen of the monsters was Crech’s mum.  There were  Red monsters at the Shack.  The teenagers were driving trucks and getting chased by Utes.  Then my  brother vomited and I drank some water.   There was some X-treme driving in the movie and  the kid next to me had a Yo-yo.   Then  Zack fell down a hole.