Room Rakau at Tomarata School has taken on the responsibility of Helping Hands.

This means the year 7 and 8  are organising the fundraising and sponsorships for the school. As a class we are asking for donations, running fundraisers and organising events.

We have written letters to local shops asking for support in a variety of ways. Including discounts on food items for fundraising. We will be utilising these items to be able class trips and outdoor adventures. We are offering free advertisement to those that donate to support their business. 

Friday sausage sizzles gives the children something to look forward to and the parents something to use as a reward. On Friday morning we collect their money, we cut the onions and cook the sausages . One of us lay the bread out, serviettes and sauces. They are delivered on trays to all the classes after lunch. 

Our first event will be an Easter Fun Day which will be on 14th of April. It will be $2 dollars per person to participate in the easter egg hunt and get one small and one large easter egg. The class who are dressed in the best easter/spring outfits will get a prize. We will be giving each family a sheet of paper to sell the raffle tickets to whoever wants them. The prize will be a big basket of easter chocolate.

We are very excited to run and help with fun events for 2022.

Written by 

Molly Barnes 

Ayla Brien