100 day celebration

On Tuesday and Wednesday we celebrated 100 days at school. Over the holidays the children had to create something with a 100 theme. In class we counted to 100, made 100 days smarter crowns, coloured [...]

By |2023-02-14T11:55:49+12:0028th July 2019|Room 1|Comments Off on 100 day celebration

Our lovely seniors

Room 1 has been lucky to have senior children introduce them to Spheros, so much fun! and also to do some art work with them. Room 1 says "thank you very much, we love having [...]

By |2023-02-14T11:56:19+12:0027th August 2018|Room 1|Comments Off on Our lovely seniors

!00 days at school

On the first Tuesday back we celebrated 100 days at school Not all of Room 1 have been there for 100 days but that didn't stop the excitement! Over the holidays the children had to [...]

By |2023-02-14T11:56:20+12:0029th July 2018|Room 1|4 Comments

Hermit Crabs

We read a book about 10 little hermit crabs and discovered lots of interesting facts about them. With the help of Mrs Tischik the class made some little crabs to take home. Watch the nippers!

By |2023-02-14T11:56:27+12:0020th May 2018|Room 1|3 Comments
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