Dear Parents, Caregivers and Families
Kia ora, kia orana, talofa, malo e lelei, fakaalofa atu, hello and greetings
From the Principal
Last week of February and you can feel that coolness in the mornings already. It is a welcome relief from those very hot days and nights we have been experiencing.
I am going to start off this newsletter with some thanks. First goes to Betsy Tipping and Rush Coffee for supplying our staff room with their delicious beverage ( even though I don’t drink it!). It is much appreciated, and some days MUCH needed by the staff. Thanks to our hardworking Helping Hands group who have covered the cost of the Lucky Ticket draw prizes that get given out at Assembly. They do this every year, and the children love what they receive.
Huge thanks to the families that attended our Family Fun Nite on Monday. Despite the wind coming along too a lot of fun was had by all. There were children swimming in the pool until 7 pm; the barbecue and pizza oven were cooking scrummy food; lots of children were playing and laughing and parents were meeting new people. The evening ended with a very intense game of cricket between parents with bemused children watching the competition. It was a very enjoyable evening.
I have noticed that our AstroTurf area is being well used by parents and the community after school. You are more than welcome to do so; but a few gentle requests. The school grounds are a no smoking area, so please if you do smoke do so outside the gates. If you are imbibing alcohol, please take your cans/bottles away with you, and be mindful of driving if drinking. If you are planning on having a regular meeting of a group at the courts, can you please pop in and let me know. That way I can inform the cleaners and the security firm so they don’t get concerned if they arrive and there are lots of people here. Other than that ENJOY!
We have a very small number of children attending Nature School in Mangawhai on Thursdays. If your child is one of them, can I please ask that you write me a letter informing me that you are doing so, so that I can keep it on record. Many thanks to those parents who have already supplied a letter.
Now to celebrate student’s successes: I have appointed the House Captains for 2021, and as we have so few Year 8 students this year, we have also appointed Deputy House Captains from our Year 7 children. They are as follows:
Kiwi: Captain- George Russell; Deputy – Finn Andrews
Kereru: Captain – Lysharn Sionetali-Raki; Deputy – Leon Richards
Kakapo: Captain – Hope Henderson; Deputy – Amy Watson-Walker
Kea: Captain – Lilly Andrews; Deputy – Nathan Costello
They will hopefully receive their badges this Friday at Assembly, and have already chosen 3 projects for this year! Congratulations guys!
Awesome manners from our Lucky Star student from the last Assembly: Cate Richards
Students who got to take our Values mascots to their classes this week are:
George Russell for Growth to Rm 5
Charlie Gray for Respect to Rm 6
Isaac Curran for Ownership of his actions to Rm 2
Erika Green for Working together harmoniously to Rm 6….. you are great role models!
Awesome work this week: Isaac Curran for wonderful writing!
We are focusing on getting our Digital learning programme up and running this year. We have been able to purchase more Chromebooks and i Pads for the classrooms, and will set up the Rata Room soon for STEAM activities. Watch this space!
Breakfast Club will start next week on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY mornings, in Room 1, from 8-8:30 am. Any child may come to get weetbix and milk for breakfast, or a second breakfast if they are still hungry when they get to school. Many thanks to Sara Pengelly, Simone Baker and Rochelle Gray who will be supervisors on these mornings.
Our PB4L focus this week was on Bus behaviour. As most of our children come to and from school by bus it is important that they follow the rules to ensure safety for everyone. Unfortunately because there are no adults on the bus ( apart from the driver of course), behaviour can slip sometimes. Every child and parent sign a bus contract when they start at Tomarata School, so it is important that the rules are followed. I will not be tolerating any misbehavior on the bus, so there will be consequences very early on, so that the children realise we mean business. I apologise in advance as it may inconvenience some families; however I need to ensure that everyone is safe on the buses, which I am sure you will agree on as well.
Speaking of safety a concerned passerby came in this morning and informed me that he was nearly reversed in to by a car that pulled in to the front of the school, and reversed in to the car park opposite without checking that he was travelling down the road. It was a miracle there wasn’t an accident. Please remember there are other people besides school families using the road, and often travel down it at speed.
Lastly we have postponed the Triathlon till Term 4.
Enjoy your last week in February!
Key Dates for this Term

Matua Chris and Room 6 will be harvesting honey from the beehives. Please bring into school any small jars with lids if you have any spare please.
Triathlon postponed till Term 4
A+ Music Tuition. If you would like your child/ren to learn an instrument here at school please email or phone 021 0273 1704, or pick up a form from the office
Community Notices
Tomarata Playcentre Quiz and Auction Night
14th May 2021 7.30pm Forest Reseve Hall please see our facebook page for more details.
Tomarata Playcentre.,nz, 09 423 9074 Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30-12pm
619 School Road
RD 4