On Tuesday 12 November the House Captains held a dedication ceremony for our bus driver Tony. The House Captains ( William Clapham, Jacinta Buxton, Hanna Kerrigan and Genevieve Wallace-Neil) decided to organise a memorial for Tony as their Community Service project. Tony tragically passed away as a result of an accident. He was our much loved bus driver at Tomarata School for many years. The House Captains organised a school bake sale to raise funds, and then went to Mangawhai Landscape Supplies to choose fitting items for the memorial. They decided on a seat and flowers for a peaceful reflection area. Tony’s partner Lorraine and her whanau were invited to attend the opening, with Lorraine cutting the ribbon. It stopped raining just for that part of the ceremony, which was beautiful. Thank you to the Helping Hands who prepared a lovely morning tea, as well the parents who attended


