Bored!Bored!Bored! I can’t believe my parents sent me to Canada to study English I don’t know anyone and there is nothing to do, Eric complained. He sat in the park at the edge of the forest looking up as the clouds pasted by. Then he looked into the forest. His teacher warned him to stay in the park but he was curious so he walked through the trees, after a short while he found a secret tunnel…

He tried to open it but it was locked he looked around for some keys or a note pad to write the secret code but then there was a mat so he looked underneath there were thousands of keys and on his first try he got the right key and went inside there were heaps of buttons then suddenly he stood on something and fell on a trampoline. He suddenly realized he was in a game called the jumping warriors. It was like hot potatoes so the point of the game was to dodge and get off the trampoline you are on and you have three lives. Each life you lose you go to the start and when you lose you die. He is not in a game, it is real life but he survived and lost no lives.