Pigeon Impossible 

On the way to a baker Walter Beckett was gave a briefcase so he sat down.

When he started to eat his donut a friendly pigeon flew down next to Walter.

Walter throw a little bit of his donut.

The pigeon wanted the whole donut so the attacked Walter.

Walter threw his donut over the briefcase but the pigeon got stuck in the briefcase after falling into it.

The pigeon tried to get out but just keep pressing buttons and moving levers.

There goes the pigeon “ Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy” screams a lady.

Suddenly the pigeon starts shooting at Walter.

Just in a second the briefcase shoots pass Walter shooting everything in site.

Just then Walter had an idea, he picked up the donut and tried to burn it. The pigeon slowly came down and stopped shooting.

Just then Walter throw the donut up in the air the pigeon was distracted.

Walter pushed the pigeon out of the briefcase just then the donut pushed the big red button.

“Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” goes the rocket busting of to Russia.

Walter raced up to the rocket, he was ready to shoot and destroy but then the pigeon pushed Walter out of the way. Walter only had a little rocket left.

Walter quietly opened the briefcase and down towards the ground the donut dropped.

Walter shot the rocket and made his way back down to earth.